Smidgeons... the Fish who Took Over the World.

Book 1: On Smidgeons's Miraculous Escape from Alcatrazi!

Sunday, December 31, 2006

The Mysterious Humans and Their Seemingly Silly Intentions


previously on Smidgeons the Fish...

It was with this in mind, that Smidgeons allowed himself and his entire family to be captured and placed in small plastic cups, to be given away as prizes to anyone who could throw a very large metal ball through a rather narrow metal hoop. As orchestrated by the very large man... with the very large net.


Now you may be thinking that Smidgeons was a little bit mean to his family... allowing them all to be captured like that... but you have to keep in mind that this was the first human our Smidgeons had ever seen, and for all he knew, it was his one and only shot at a voyage to the uppermost tops of the overwater. And he was NOT going to miss out on that.

Additionally worth mentioning is the fact that even this seemingly hopeless situation for the family of goldfish was, in Smidgeons'' opinion, not outside the scope of his control. Smidgeons, like most great geniuses, feared nothing... and believed there was no situation he could not conquer. He believed therefore, that his family was in no real danger. As to whether or not Smidgeons assertion was correct... That... We'll come to find out.

Chapter Two!
The Mysterious Humans!
And Their Seemingly Silly Intentions!

... Few days later.

Smidgeons was feeling rather grumpy. The small cup he was imprisoned in wasn't very spacious, and all the humans beings he'd had the chance to observe thus far were not in the least bit interesting.

It seemed to Smidgeons... from his observations thus far... that human beings existed for only one purpose. To attempt to win goldfish. Not to actually win goldfish, mind you, but to attempt it, and fail in that attempt, by trying to toss large metal balls through smaller metal hoops.

This puzzled Smidgeons. Especially baffling was the fact that the metal ball being thrown could not possibly fit though the slightly smaller ring that the humans all seemed intent on putting it through... Smidgeons could see this quite easily, since he, like most goldfish had nearly perfect and far superior to human eyesight.

Smidgeons had correctly deduced that little green sheets of paper the humans dished out for a chance to fail at throwing a ball through a hoop, was of some value to the humans. Smidgeons made mental note: Human beings are so obsessed with goldfish, that they are willing to lose wealth in exchange for the opportunity to delude themselves into pretending they might win one.

"Fp tp!" Cried one of Smidgeons' sisters, from the cup next to his, breaking his train of thought. Roughly translated from goldfish to human English this meant: "Gonna eat us!"

Smidgeons informed his sister not to be silly. "Of course the big things aren't going to eat us."

And this may have calmed her down some if not for the fact that Smidgeons' brother on the other side of his cup hadn't happened to overhear the last and only the last three words of the conversation.

"Gonna eat us!" he cried out. "Smart Fish says they's gonna eat us!"

And all Smidgeons' brothers, and all Smidgeons' sisters began circling their cups shouting: "Fp tp! Fp tp!" - "Gonna eat us! Gonna eat us!"

"Sp fp bp kp!" began Smidgeons, which meant: "Quiet dullards!" He added: "I said they're NOT going to eat us! They just want us for pets! Sheesh..."

The others calmed some at this. Everyone had the utmost respect for Smidgeons. Or Smart Fish as he was called at the time.

"But how do you know that Smart Fish?" tped his sister

"And what the heck is a pet?" tped his brother.

"I know because the big person who fishnapped us told all so last night! Wasn't anybody paying attention but me!?"

There was a short silence, as it dawned on all of Smidgeons' siblings, just how smart their brother Smart Fish really was.


flip ta chapta 3!


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